Our Latest Update 14.3.16: More Efficient Lab Organization and Simplified Collaboration
+++ New Menu Item: “Organization”
Everything in one place – improved clarity and streamlined processes:
– Dashboard with key metrics – All relevant data for samples and cold storage at a glance.
– Personal to-do lists – Users can manage their tasks directly in the dashboard.
– Central bulletin board – Important announcements visible to the entire team.
– Optimized documentation – Whether for quality assurance or inventory management, all organizational information can be managed directly within the software, eliminating the need for additional tools.
+++ Improved Document Management
Labs can now organize their documents even more efficiently. With the ability to create subfolders, a clear structure can be established, making it easier to access important files.
The versioning feature ensures that changes to central documents remain traceable at all times, providing transparent and controlled document management.
+++ Expanded Storage Locations
Virtual boxes from external labs or workgroups are now directly visible and accessible in your own Freezer. This simplifies sample exchange and enhances collaboration between different teams or laboratories.
+++ Efficient Aliquot Management
Aliquots from approved studies can now be checked out and checked back in by partner labs. This enables seamless, cross-location sample usage and strengthens collaboration between laboratories without requiring complex coordination or additional systems.
++ More Flexible Input fields
Projects can now be tailored even more precisely with customizable input forms. The new label field allows for fixed descriptions of important information that cannot be modified. This ensures clear instructions or standardized guidelines are directly embedded within the field.